Labyrinth Dedications
Listed below are a number of different liturgies and prayers used for dedicating a labyrinth.
Christian Litany of Labyrinth Dedication
Dedication and Blessing of the St. Charles Episcopal Labyrinth
Dedication of a Christian Seminary Labyrinth in Asia
Dedication of an Outdoor Labyrinth at a Catholic Church in Minneapolis, MN
Dedication of a Hospital Canvas Labyrinth
Dedication of a Reims-Style Labyrinth
Dedication of a 7-circuit labyrinth at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Columbus, Indiana
Double Spiral Labyrinth Blessing
Dedication of the Deep Haven Labyrinth – Minnesota, USA
If you need to decommission a labyrinth, the litany below may be of use.
Litany of Gratitude, Release, and Blessing
Celebration of Gratitude for a Labyrinth (St. Paul, MN)
Contact Jill if you would like to add your dedication to this page.
Additional dedication resources by Paxworks.