Prayerful Ways Of Approaching Your Labyrinth Experience

Caring: “God, [person’s name] is in need…”

Centering: As you feel God’s presence, move into it more deeply

Focusing: A favorite name for God, i.e. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…”

A  word that has significance to you, “Love, love, love.” “Maranatha!”

A short prayer, “Please help!” “Thy will be done.” “I’m available.”

Moving: Embody your sacred communication. No words are necessary.

Opening: “I’m here. Help me to stay open to all You wish you communicate.”

Praising: Speak God’s name or attributes with love and appreciate

Questioning: “What is the next step?”  “What do I need?” “What is changing?”

Reading and Reflecting: Read or recall a biblical story. Ponder meanings as you move. Take your scriptures with you. Stop anywhere to read and respond.

Releasing: “Help me let go of…” “I forgive…”

Searching: “God, I want to understand…”

Seeking: “Holy One, reveal Yourself to me.”

Singing: Choose a favorite spiritual song. Sing it silently or out loud.

Transitioning: “Ever since Sarah died…” “Thank you, God, for the new opportunity…”

Labyrinth prayer in the center by Jill K H Geoffrion
Finger Labyrinth by Jill K H Geoffrion, photographer