Form a loose circle with all standing on the labyrinth. Invite all to extend the energy that is in their hearts and minds through their hands toward the labyrinth.

The communal response for all who can, will be to place both hands on the labyrinth and pray, “We dedicate this labyrinth to spiritual awakening and reawakening.”

Invite each person to call forth the image of a loved one walking this labyrinth and receiving what is needed. (Pause)
Now invite all to imagine some one for who it feels difficult, if not impossible, to like or accept, walking this labyrinth and receiving what is needed. (Pause)

Community: We dedicate this labyrinth to spiritual awakening and reawakening.

One: With hearts extending in many directions, Let us pray…
Sacred Sustainer, Way to wholeness, Creator of possibilities, Supporter of change, Forgiving Releaser, Freedom, Honesty, Wisdom, Hope, Joy… we thank You for the beautiful spiritual tool on which we are standing. It is our intention to dedicate it.

Community: We dedicate this labyrinth to spiritual awakening and reawakening.

One: May springs of openness bubble forth here; may their energies kiss the feet of all who meander on the path.

Community: We dedicate this labyrinth to spiritual awakening and reawakening.

One: May those who come here perceive Your loveliness with all of who they are–their eyes, the soles of their feet, their ears, their breath, heartbeats, muscles, minds and sense of balance.

Community: We dedicate this labyrinth to spiritual awakening and reawakening.

One: Thank You for welcoming the hopes that are brought here, as well as pains, questions, sighs, laughter, tears, and expressions of surprise.

Community: We dedicate this labyrinth to spiritual awakening and reawakening.

One: Thank You for gifting us with a sacred space where we can experience Your love as safety, rest, patience, kindness, goodness, hope, and healing.

Community: We dedicate this labyrinth to spiritual awakening and reawakening.

One: Out of our gratitude we each silently or verbally offer our own prayers of blessing and rededication for this labyrinth.
(Long pause)

Community: We dedicate this labyrinth to spiritual awakening and reawakening.

One: Amen!

Prayed May 30, 2001
Composed by The Rev. Jill Kimberly Hartwell Geoffrion, Ph.D.